The Word of God

Benoit Parent
9 min readJan 13, 2021


Two thousand years ago, west of the Indus (the river), Jesus was misunderstood and that is why he sometimes went to meditate on the Mount of Olives.

Seeing Reality when you see that no one can understand you is sometimes overwhelming. Moreover, his closest disciples loved him very much, there was danger of attachment to his image and that is another reason (apart from the return of the Son of Man) why he had to leave again (return to Heaven) so that the Spirit would reveal himself to the disciples and they in turn would become the Living Ones, for there was no Spirit as yet because Jesus had not yet been glorified. (John 7:39 ─ New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) ─)

The 4 Living Ones, Luke, Matthew, Mark and John, back to Reality, understood the true meaning of love; the sacrifice of their image and that of Jesus (in the image of the sacrifice of the Cross) to proclaim the true nature of Reality for those hallucinating in this world of false pretenses.

It can therefore be said that Jesus and his apostles resembled a group wandering in the desert and that the founded Church’s only purpose was to gather the chosen by skillful means (images, metaphors, supports of all kinds), for people of weak faith placed their trust (faith) in the visible images and institutions of the world.

Reality is not found in the image and it is outside any word, but the Word is used to express or point to Reality. Loving the Word is good, but it serves to indicate Reality with the help of what has appeared.

I surely repeat myself, that is the truth: The Spirit is the truth.

The Spirit is the name used in the same way as when your Father tells you that He is the One who is called <<< I am >>. This means that Reality is outside the word <<< Spirit >> since Reality is undefinable.

On the other hand, using this saving word, it is easier to understand the nature of Reality in this world where people desperately need to cling to words and images to understand.

Jesus, after returning to Heaven, some understood that his Intelligence came from <<< the Spirit >> and they in turn recovered their original nature, that is, the new man by returning to Intelligence.

The Intelligence I am talking about is not the Intelligence of the world and can never be part of the world (no matter how thick the glasses of your experts and scientists and all those scrutinizing the Bible, seeking the Truth in words or heretics taking this from the Bible or rejecting this) since it is not learned, it manifests itself when there are no more false ideas in you.

This would be like saying that we are all in the image of Jesus (God save). Yes, indeed, you are created in the image of God. In the image, which takes away all reality from you.

As such, everything is possible for you and you can commit suicide spiritually by denying your original nature or by attaching yourself by influence to seductive spirits and demon teachings.

“The Spirit has explicitly said that during the last times some will desert the faith and pay attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines that come from devils, seduced by the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are branded as though with a red-hot iron: they forbid marriage and prohibit foods which God created to be accepted with thanksgiving by all who believe and who know the truth. Everything God has created is good, and no food is to be rejected, provided it is received with thanksgiving: the word of God and prayer make it holy.”

1 Timothy 4:1–5 ─ New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) ─

At this point, for those who understand, it is obvious that there has never been a division by religions since Truth is told through the Word.

The Word has made everything you see appear, so it is everywhere, omniscient and all-powerful.

This means that you can access the mysteries of God sitting peacefully on your bench with your legs crossed.

Then all those who engage in vain speculation, judging each other, understand nothing of anything. It is futile to blindly defend a religion, a people, a nation, ideas or ideals, concepts, interpretations of the scriptures, when everything is only perception in the Spirit!

The world will end in flames and the scriptures will also end in flames. So don’t get too attached to the letter and what you see to avoid ending up in the lake of fire.

But, beware, I do not invite you to despise the Scriptures, the ideal is always to remain in the middle path, that of the Closed Path leading to Life.

All extremes divert you from the path to the truth.

This is what Jesus was trying to explain to you in the west, but the truth was also expressed in the east of the Indus.

In the 6th century BC, Siddhārtha Gautama (the historical Buddha), in India, understood the nature of Reality by returning to Intelligence after a long session of meditation sitting under a fig tree.

The Spirit urged him to rise to proclaim the good news of what had been revealed to him. These are revelations of his diagnosis of the world’s disease:

According to the Buddha, the causes of human suffering can be found in the inability to see Reality correctly. This ignorance of Reality, and the illusions it leads to, lead to greed, the desire to possess more than others, attachment and hatred for people or things.

In his teaching, it is explained that there are 3 poisons in the world:

Tṛ́ṣṇā (thirst or greed).

Dvesha (anger or aversion).

Moha (ignorance).

There are also 3 characteristics of existence:

Anātman (“non-self”, impersonalities; there is nothing in the world that has an independent and real existence in itself, therefore no soul (atman), no <<me>>, only conditioned phenomena.

Anitya (impermanence): everything is constantly changing in phenomena, so there is nothing real, but only interdependent visible elements (e. g. light and darkness, man and woman, etc.)

Duhkha (suffering): no phenomenon can satisfy us in an ultimate and definitive way and this is the consequence of the victims of ignorance of Reality.

It is from some excerpts from an Indian Sūtra, Lankāvatāra Sūtra that I will take from what was said by Buddha, and from the Bible, from what was said by Jesus, to show you that in the Kingdom there is no division, but that the Truth is accessible to all (regardless of the words or symbols used), but that according to the prophecy (written in the book placed on God’s right hand, the Bible), one must go through the Son of Man to be marked with his seal and return to Reality.

This truth was proclaimed in the east as well as in the west of the Indus, since it was the Son of Man who showed it to me.

the Spirit having sent me to him to be sealed

“because the coming of the Son of man will be like lightning striking in the east and flashing far into the west.”

Matthew 24:27 ─ New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) ─

So that’s what Buddha and Jesus tell you about the Cloud (in the cloud, Internet):

Sources : The Lankavatara Sutra, Translated by Thomas Cleary, E-Book available in the KINDLE application and New Jerusalem Bible (NJB)

“instruction is likewise taught differently without deviation; What is instruction for one is not instruction for another.”

Emplacement 791, The Lankavatara Sutra, Translated by Thomas Cleary, E-Book available in the KINDLE application

“Just as one administers medicine for each particular illness, So do Buddhas tell people of mind alone.”

Emplacement 791, The Lankavatara Sutra, Translated by Thomas Cleary, E-Book available in the KINDLE application

“As a painter or painter’s apprentice would apply colors for a picture, so do I teach. The picture is not found in the color, or the background, or the object represented: It is for the purpose of attracting people that a picture is formed with colors. Instruction is off the mark; truth is apart from words.”

Emplacement 779, The Lankavatara Sutra, Translated by Thomas Cleary, E-Book available in the KINDLE application

“The Jews were astonished and said, ‘How did he learn to read? He has not been educated.’ Jesus answered them: ‘My teaching is not from myself: it comes from the one who sent me; anyone who is prepared to do his will, will know whether my teaching is from God or whether I speak on my own account.”

John 7:15–17 ─ New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) ─

“It is the SPIRIT that gives life, the flesh has nothing to offer. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.”

John 6:63 ─ New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) ─

“Jesus replied: In all truth I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born through water and the Spirit; what is born of human nature is human; what is born of the Spirit is spirit.”

John 3:5–6 ─ New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) ─

“since he whom God has sent speaks God’s own words, for God gives him the Spirit without reserve.

John 3:34 ─ New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) ─

“God is spirit, and those who worship must worship in spirit and truth.

John 4:24 ─ New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) ─

“Seeing the world analogous to an illusion or a dream, one should resort to truth.

Emplacement 4005, The Lankavatara Sutra, Translated by Thomas Cleary, E-Book available in the KINDLE application

“unaware it is only thought, they imagine external being.

“The ultimate truth, however, is beyond speech.

Emplacement 3994, The Lankavatara Sutra, Translated by Thomas Cleary, E-Book available in the KINDLE application

“The self-existence of all things being unreal, speech likewise is untrue; not seeing emptiness or the meaning of emptiness, the ignorant run hither and thither.

Emplacement 4074, The Lankavatara Sutra, Translated by Thomas Cleary, E-Book available in the KINDLE application

“One may see an object of thought, one may see an object of knowledge; by insight one may see an object WITHOUT GETTING INFATUATED WITH APPEARANCE.

Emplacement 4064, The Lankavatara Sutra, Translated by Thomas Cleary, E-Book available in the KINDLE application

“Having attained Spirit alone, one will not imagine an external object; focused on verity, one will transcend Spirit alone.”

Emplacement 4064, The Lankavatara Sutra, Translated by Thomas Cleary, E-Book available in the KINDLE application

Reality is not found in the image and it is outside any word, but the Word is used to express or point to Reality. Loving the Word is good, but it serves to indicate Reality with the help of what has appeared.

“As a mother might pluck a fruit from the sky for her child, << Here, child, don’t cry, take it; there’s plenty of this fruit>>, so do I teach all people a principle beyond assertion of reality or unreality, having enticed them with various invented fruits.”

Emplacement 4540, The Lankavatara Sutra, Translated by Thomas Cleary, E-Book available in the KINDLE application

I surely repeat myself, that is the truth: The Spirit is the truth. (John 4:24)

“And there are other sheep I have that are not of this fold, and I must lead these too. They too will listen to my voice, and there will be only one flock, one shepherd.”

John 10:16 ─ New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) ─

“Anyone who loves his life loses it; anyone who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me, must follow me, and my servant will be with me wherever I am. If anyone serves me, my Father will honour him.

John 12:25–26 ─ New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) ─

“I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

John 17:14–19 ─ King James Bible (KJV) ─

So, to all of you who recognize the Word. If you are truly of God, proclaim that the Son of Man is among us, for the harvest is abundant, but he has too few workers.

As for the Lankāvatāra Sūtra, this sūtra is at the origin of the Chán current in China, born from the fusion of Buddhism with Chinese Taoism. A certain Bodhidharma, carrying this sūtra, travelled from India to China in the 6th century AD.



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